PMFTERM 1.2c Welcome to PMFTERM! I have tried to implement a version of FTTERM for OS/2, without having to resort to EE CM. ************************************************************************* PLEASE NOTE THAT ASCII-EBCDIC TRANSLATION MAY NOT BE FTTERM-COMPATIBLE FOR CERTAIN SPECIAL CHARACTER CODES SUCH AS [, ], \, ^ AND A FEW OTHERS! ************************************************************************* Select Menu Item "Help + Help Index..." and browse it for a good description of PMFTERM. Keyboard mapping can't be changed. The following codes are assigned: (left) ENTER - New Line key on Enhanced Keyboards, Enter key on AT keyboard. (pad) ENTER - Enter key on Enhanced Keyboards HOME and PAUSE - Clear Screen (FTTERM/VT100 only) END - Erase to End of Line (FTTERM only) F1-F12 - Program function keys for 3708/7171 Shift+F1/F2 - F11 or F12 on 10 PF key keyboards Ctrl+F1 and Alt+Insert - PA1 (FTTERM/VT100 only) Ctrl+F2 and Alt+Home - PA2 (FTTERM/VT100 only) Right CTRL key on enhanced keyboards - Enter (FTTERM only) Ctrl+r - 3708/7171 Reset sequence Ctrl+n - IBM 5842 command Ctrl+s/q/o - Xoff/Xon/SI commands (mainly VT100) Ctrl+C - Break ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I N S T A L L A T I O N 1. Download PMFTRM.ZIP and unZip it to a directory. 2. Add one of the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS : DEVICE=C:\OS2\COM01.SYS (AT type machines Release 1.2+) DEVICE=C:\OS2\COM02.SYS (PS/2 machines OS/2 1.2+) DEVICE=C:\OS2\COM.SYS (Version 2.0 and above) 3. PCASSI 3.0 Users can use the provided .CUS file. This customization file invokes PSEND/PRECEIVE instead of SEND/RECEIVE, and uses host session "I" instead of "A" as the default. 4. Run PMTDFLTS from an OS/2 windowed command prompt. This will create a number of useful model terminal profiles which can be used as a basis for your own profiles. 5. Copy PMFTERM.HLP from your directory into a directory in the HELP= path. 6. To setup a terminal profile "on the fly", (for example, the IBM Information Network using FTTERM Color emulation mode) execute PMFTERM.EXE from the OS/2 command prompt and do the following: Select "Settings" "Select Profile" from the menu bar. Change the name "DEFAULT" to "FTTERMC" or anything else. Change Terminal Emulation to FTTERMC. Set the Modem Speed for your modem. Set COM1-4. Push the "Keys" pushbutton. Configure the autokey sequences for IIN as follows: Send: ATE1\r (the \r is "return") Response: OK (wait for OK) Send: ATDT18003338496\r (dial IIN) Response: TYPE: (wait for Terminal TYPE:) Send:19\r (type code for FTTERM) Response: ===> (wait for response) Send: xxxx\tyyyyyyyy (account code=xxxx, \t=Tab, userid) Push the OK button. Check the "Save" and "Default" check boxes, and push the "OK" button. The system will now dial IIN. To abort an autokey sequence, select "Connect" "Abort" from the Menu and hit any key on the keyboard to kill the ATDT in the modem. The default (startup) profile is now set to FTTERMC (with your autokey sequences) and will be selected at startup time. To redial, select "Connect" "Connect" from the Menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allowed Autokey escape (\) sequences: \r Send a carriage return \t or \> Send a tab \< Send a backtab \n Send a new line \d Send the IBM 5842 CTRL-N character \c Send a Ctrl+C (ETX) \w Wait 1 second \e Send an ESC character For anything else, the '\' is ignored and the character following it is sent "as-is". To send a '\', therefore, put a '\\' in the autokey sequence to be sent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can create any number of profiles. Check the "Save" checkbox and overtype the name of the profile to be saved. To use a profile at startup time (ie. override the DEFAULT profile) either change the Program Properties "Parameters" to the name of the profile, or go to the OS/2 Windowed Command Prompt and type: PMFTERM [[x:]MYPROF] where MYPROF is the name of the profile to be used instead of DEFAULT, and x: is a single character "session id" which is followed by a colon. The session id is used to name internal queues and PMFTERM will ensure that it is unique to each instance of the PMFTERM program in the system. The session ID is used as part of the host file transfer PSEND/PRECEIVE command to point to the correct instance of PMFTERM, such that if you start PMFTERM against COM1 and then again against COM2 (hopefully you have 2 COM ports and modems available) you could open a windowed OS/2 command prompt and use the commands: start psend c:\autoexec.bat i:autoexec batbin start psend c:\config.sys j: (X 1K) to initiate concurrent file transfers (first to the IBM Information Network on session "i" and concurrently to a BBS using XMODEM with 1k blocks). Note that the PMFTERM title bar will say "PMFTERM Using ?:!!!!!!!!", where ? is the session ID and !!!!!!!! is the profile name. Color remapping is now available for FTTERM emulation. Select Customize Colors, select the color to be changed via its radio button and then select the color from the "To" box. Press "Set". To reset to the factory-installed defaults, press "Reset". To write the colors to OS2.INI press "Save". Steve Blunden June 26, 1992